Kampong Glam Ceilings

Company Profile: Kampong Glam Ceilings is a respected PVC bathroom ceiling manufacturer situated in the heart of Kampong Glam. Our designs are influenced by the cultural richness and heritage of the neighborhood, adding a touch of tradition and charm to your bathroom.

Address: 123 Sultan Gate, Kampong Glam, Singapore 199962

Arabesque Ceilings

Company Profile: Arabesque Ceilings specializes in crafting PVC bathroom ceilings that incorporate the intricate patterns and motifs found in traditional Arabic art and architecture, bringing an exotic touch to your space.

Address: 456 Bussorah Lane, Kampong Glam, Singapore 199963

Sultan’s Serenity Ceilings

Company Profile: Sultan’s Serenity Ceilings is dedicated to providing PVC bathroom ceilings that evoke the grandeur and opulence of the sultans, ensuring a regal atmosphere in your home.

Address: 789 Haji Lane, Kampong Glam, Singapore 199964

Bazaar Elegance Ceilings

Company Profile: Bazaar Elegance Ceilings infuses the vibrant colors and bustling atmosphere of Kampong Glam’s bazaars into PVC bathroom ceilings, creating a lively and spirited ambiance.

Address: 101 Souk Street, Kampong Glam, Singapore 199965

Mosaic Magic Ceilings

Company Profile: Mosaic Magic Ceilings draws inspiration from the intricate mosaic designs of Kampong Glam’s architecture, crafting PVC bathroom ceilings that showcase artistic beauty and precision.

Address: 234 Mosaic Road, Kampong Glam, Singapore 199966

Majestic Minarets Ceilings

Company Profile: Majestic Minarets Ceilings offers PVC bathroom ceilings inspired by the towering minarets of Kampong Glam’s mosques, symbolizing grace and spirituality.

Address: 567 Minaret Avenue, Kampong Glam, Singapore 199967

Kampong Glam Oasis Ceilings

Company Profile: Kampong Glam Oasis Ceilings is committed to providing PVC bathroom ceilings that transform your space into a tranquil oasis, capturing the essence of Kampong Glam’s calmness and spirituality.

Address: 345 Oasis Plaza, Kampong Glam, Singapore 199968

Silk Road Ceilings

Company Profile: Silk Road Ceilings celebrates the historical trade routes of the Silk Road with PVC bathroom ceilings featuring intricate patterns and designs that represent the exchange of cultures and ideas.

Address: 890 Silk Street, Kampong Glam, Singapore 199969

Henna Haven Ceilings

Company Profile: Henna Haven Ceilings incorporates the elegance of henna art into PVC bathroom ceilings, creating a sense of beauty and grace reminiscent of Kampong Glam’s cultural traditions.

Address: 678 Henna Lane, Kampong Glam, Singapore 199970

Kampong Glam Artisan Ceilings

Company Profile: Kampong Glam Artisan Ceilings pays homage to the skilled craftsmen of the neighborhood with PVC bathroom ceilings that showcase intricate handmade designs and artistic flair.

Address: 456 Artisan Avenue, Kampong Glam, Singapore 199971

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