Little India Ceilings

Company Profile: Little India Ceilings is a renowned PVC bathroom ceiling manufacturer nestled in the vibrant heart of Little India. Our designs are inspired by the rich cultural tapestry of the neighborhood, bringing a touch of tradition and elegance to your bathroom.

Address: 123 Serangoon Road, Little India, Singapore 218021

SariStyle Ceilings

Company Profile: SariStyle Ceilings specializes in crafting PVC bathroom ceilings that incorporate the vibrant colors and intricate patterns of traditional Indian saris, adding a burst of color to your space.

Address: 456 Tekka Lane, Little India, Singapore 218022

Namaste Ceilings

Company Profile: Namaste Ceilings is dedicated to providing PVC bathroom ceilings that reflect the warmth and hospitality of India’s “Namaste” greeting, ensuring a welcoming atmosphere in your home.

Address: 789 Spice Street, Little India, Singapore 218023

Bollywood Dreams Ceilings

Company Profile: Bollywood Dreams Ceilings infuses the glamour and drama of Indian cinema into PVC bathroom ceilings, transforming your bathroom into a star-studded haven.

Address: 101 Cinema Avenue, Little India, Singapore 218024

Mystic Mandala Ceilings

Company Profile: Mystic Mandala Ceilings draws inspiration from the sacred geometry of mandalas, creating PVC bathroom ceilings that exude spiritual harmony and balance.

Address: 234 Mandala Road, Little India, Singapore 218025

Spice Market Ceilings

Company Profile: Spice Market Ceilings captures the aromatic essence of Little India’s spice markets, infusing PVC bathroom ceilings with the scents and colors of exotic spices.

Address: 567 Spice Bazaar Street, Little India, Singapore 218026

Lotus Serenity Ceilings

Company Profile: Lotus Serenity Ceilings offers PVC bathroom ceilings inspired by the beauty and purity of the lotus flower, symbolizing enlightenment and rebirth.

Address: 345 Lotus Lane, Little India, Singapore 218027

Rangoli Creations Ceilings

Company Profile: Rangoli Creations Ceilings celebrates the art of rangoli with PVC bathroom ceilings featuring intricate and colorful designs that represent blessings and hospitality.

Address: 890 Rangoli Avenue, Little India, Singapore 218028

Henna Harmony Ceilings

Company Profile: Henna Harmony Ceilings incorporates the elegance of henna art into PVC bathroom ceilings, creating a sense of beauty and grace in your home.

Address: 678 Henna Street, Little India, Singapore 218029

Little India Artisan Ceilings

Company Profile: Little India Artisan Ceilings pays homage to the skilled craftsmen of Little India with PVC bathroom ceilings that showcase intricate handmade designs and artistic flair.

Address: 456 Artisan Lane, Little India, Singapore 218030

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